Immer schön zocken – auch bei Gaspreisen

Es geht wie immer (nur) ums Geld, so wie nun auch wieder bei +30 LNG-Transportschiffen, die längst wieder neues Gas transportieren könnten, aber Gashändler zocken lieber auf höhere Preise in Europa, um die eigenen Gewinne zu steigern. Ratet mal wer die höheren Preise dann bezahlen darf… […]

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Supercapacitors – Shell relies on a battery with supercaps for mining – pv Europe

The mineral oil company Shell is the first major customer for the battery with supercaps developed by Skeleton Technologies. This combines the properties of supercapacitors and batteries in one solution. Quelle: Supercapacitors – Shell relies on a battery with supercaps for mining – pv Europe […]

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Novelist As a Vocation by Haruki Murakami review – the secrets behind the literary phenomenon

The celebrated novelist offers insights into his ways of working, his direct style and the moments that shaped him in this intriguing book on writing Quelle: Novelist As a Vocation by Haruki Murakami review – the secrets behind the literary phenomenon […]

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Lee Jung-jae: ‘Squid Game made me rethink how I look at the world’ | Film | The Guardian

The dystopian TV drama made the South Korean actor go global and won him an Emmy. Now he’s written and directed his own espionage action thriller Quelle: Lee Jung-jae: ‘Squid Game made me rethink how I look at the world’ | Film | The Guardian […]

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Zbog enormnog porasta prometa krećemo u proširenje terminala i piste – Zadarski list

Zadarska Zračna luka ove godine obara sve rekorde u prometu putnika, zbog čega se ide u proširenje kapaciteta kako bi u Zadar mogli sletjeti i interkontinentalni zrakoplovi. Dio sredstava za ove megainvesticije dobit će se iz europskih fondova, što će uvelike olakšati izgradnju terminala, uzletno-sletne staze i staza za vožnju. S direktorom Josipom Klišmanićem razgovarali […]

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Najbolja i točka! Domaća gibanica s makom i čokoladom nema konkurenciju – Več

U ovu savršenu tradicionalnu gibanicu s makom prošvercajte malo čokolade i oduševite sve ukućane. Možete je zarolati u vrlo efektnu spiralu ili – ukoliko ste vješti u rukovanju s tijestom – napravite oblik koji poželite. Quelle: Najbolja i točka! Domaća gibanica s makom i čokoladom nema konkurenciju – Več […]

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NipponTalk 03 | Japanisches Essen & Speisen

Und weiter geht es mit dem „Weekly Japan (Video-)Podcast, diesmal fabulieren Chiyo san und ich über japanische Gerichte – also die, die man essen kann ;) Bei Interesse klickt und „liked“: NipponTalk 03. Erwähnt werden unter anderem: Ramen, Sushi, Mochi, Soba und vieles mehr :) Ach und einen dedizierten Channel-Namen gibt es nun auch, leider […]

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