Yusaku Maezawa Arrives To The Space Station Aboard Russia’s Soyuz, Meets SpaceX Crew-3 Astronauts

Japanese entrepreneur Yusaku Maezawa launched to the International Space Station (ISS) aboard Russia’s Soyuz, before launching aboard SpaceX’s Starship. Maezawa is SpaceX’s first Starship customer, he purchased all seats aboard the first journey around the Moon that is scheduled to occur sometime in 2023. The spacecraft is still under development. While he waits for his […]

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Umweltproteste gegen Rio-Tinto-Mine in Serbien – Serbien – derStandard.at › International

In Westserbien will das Unternehmen Rio Tinto eine Lithium-Mine bauen. Doch im ganzen Land gehen die Menschen dagegen auf die Straße Quelle: Umweltproteste gegen Rio-Tinto-Mine in Serbien – Serbien – derStandard.at › International […]

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